This is a fantastic post by Fashion Blog's Marcelene on the many benefits of straight razor shaving.
Salon D' Shayn's very own Brit McCulley specializes in the straight razor shave which is just one of her many male pampering talents. Since it opened it's doors last year in 2012, Salon D' Shayn now offers a professional full service barber shop.
Shaving is used every day in our world. Whether you are a well groomed man or a man that favors facial hair, it is a common occurrence sometime in your life. When shaving, many men prefer the multi blade razors but often complain of razor bumps and irritation. You may also hear complaints that it does not get close enough to their faces and they still have a little stubble.
Using straight razor blades will help stop all of these many complaints and will get a closer and cleaner shave. Although it is initially pricey depending on the type of razor you get, over time it will save you money. You will be able to resharpen your razor making it like new and will not have any problems with the durability of the razor. Straight razors are known for their longevity and quality.
Keep your Skin Healthy
Irritation is very common when shaving, it will hurt and will cause redness and sores. It is also ignored many times which can cause infections and ingrown hairs. When your skin is irritated, you are less likely to shave on a daily basis. To stop this from happening, you need to use a straight razor blade, also commonly known as open razors or cut-throat razors. It is very beneficial for skin exfoliation. By using the traditional use of mugs, brushes, and soap; it will take off a layer of skin causing new layers of skin to regrow which will make the skin smoother. This is very beneficial to your skin and will make it become healthier and clearer. It is also very important to make sure your razor is cleaned. You need to clean it thoroughly after each shave and have it dry completely. If you feel any drag as you shave, you need to stop using the shaver and have it sharpened, which will give you the best shave and help keep your skin healthy.
Get a Close Shave
Shaving can be a hassle. It takes time and some people don’t shave as often as they would like because of the time it takes. By getting a closer shave, your face will stay soft for a longer time by using a straight razor rather than a multi blade razor. By sharpening the razor often, you will get a nice clean shave every time. It is also less likely to slip which helps prevent cutting yourself. By getting a closer shave, you will look more professional and won’t have to worry about your skin getting red. If you lather properly and make sure your razor is clean, you will notice the difference every time you shave.
Enjoy Shaving Again
Shaving with a straight razor blade is a lost technique. Not very many people shave this way because they think it is too hard and not as safe. This is not the case. It will give you the shave you have been looking for and will make you feel satisfied after each shave. Learning to properly shave this way, you will look better and feel better about yourself. It is also a wise investment. You will not have to buy another razor again. You can also customize it to your wants with the make, model, materials, width of the blade; whatever is best for your needs. This razor will last the rest of your life and you will be so much happier that you no longer have to use the disposable razor blades that are known to cause irritation. You can never go wrong with a closer shave!
So if you or someone you love has been interested in trying a straight razor shave, see what all the fuss is about and schedule your appointment online.
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